Tuesday 2 February 2010

Reign of Judicial & Financial Corruption is now drawing to a close and coming to an end....

ONE VOICE URGENT RELEASE:- Reign of Judicial and Financial Corruption is now drawing to a close...

Government-backed THEFT and racketeering in our "justice" and Banking System

Does anyone truly know the extent of corruption and fraud taking place within our Judiciary in the UK ? Has anyone at all got ANY idea just how severe the problem really is at the 'White collar' level? Everything stated here is true and hard evidence is available for inspection. What you read next may well shock you. Are you sitting down ?

It is a demonstrable fact that many of our court officials wearing the labels of "Judges" are engaging in criminal activity of Organised crime gangs teaming up with the Insolvency Service, HMRC, the Financial Services Authority no-touch "regulators" and large numbers of unscrupulous money-grabbing Law firms (especially the "Magic Circle" firms), to commit 'financial and legal mugging' in "government-authorised street gangs" against honest and law-abiding citizens, looting their bank accounts through false Laws and Rules designed to fill their own coffers, and stripping them of their assets, kids education funds, pensions, and homes. But our biggest enemy is apathy. Now even you CAN do something about this, by uniting with growing numbers and others who feel just like you do in wanting a better life, by joining ONE VOICE GROUP, whose commitment is 'TO BE THE CHANGE THAT WE ALL WANT TO SEE'

" It was recently reported on radio 4 that in the last two years the Insolvency Service made £3 billion pounds from individuals and companies who were liquidated by Judges to enable Government to profit."

This is widespread now and is becoming less and less concealable, as too many 'cracks' keep appearing for these Financial & Legal Mafia, as their System to continues to fall apart (being no longer controllable by psychological warfare and Public oppression alone), and they now approach the end of their reign of corruption. This is causing our Judges and Judicata to literally 'throw their toys out of the pram', as can be seen in the extraordinary story of Mr. Ebert, below, where their bullying and subordination methods become increasingly desperate and more 'in your face' as they lose their claw-like grip on their (deluded) idea of "Reality".


G Ebert
23 Cranbourne Gardens ** London NW11 OHS
Email: de8765@hotmail.co.uk
Tel/Fax: 0208 905 5209
Mobile: 07984 248 536
(Reside at 66 Woodville Road ** NW11 9TN)

To Mr. Justice Sales
Royal Court of Justice
Room TM 11.02 2 February 2010
Thomas More Building By e-mail, fax and post
Strand Ref: 11216 of 1996
London WC2A 2LL



Dear Sir.

1) Your letter, “reasons”, dated 18 January 2010
2) My inquiry of Perjury & Forgery, dated 27 January 2010, Criminal Activities
3) Your response, dated 29 January 2010, affirming (implied admission)

I acknowledge receipt of your letter, dated 29 January 2010, affirming (implied admission) that you do not have any defence to the Criminal Allegation (facts) served on you in writing, dated 27 January 2010.

It is clear that you are guilty of a crime stated above as a result of “High Treason” abusing your position to pervert Justice with the clear intention to keep me as a “hostage”, which affects my liberty, freedom and family life, as well as the violation of my fundamental Human Rights.

ISSUES: National Security; Public Interest; Natural Justice; Inalienable Rights;
Morality; The Truth; Cognitive Dissonance.

Deliberate, Wilful, Knowing and Intentional:
Fraud, Concealment of Fraud, Torture, Assault, Kidnapping, Usury, Extortion,
Concealment of – Stress, Trauma, Anxiety, Harm, Injury, Loss, Harassment,
Criminal Acts, Impersonation, Premeditated Disregard of the Rule of Law,

Abuse of Office; Abuse of Judicial Oath; Abuse of others; Abuse of Process
of the Court; Perverting the Course of Justice and Natural Justice.


(i) By virtue of “sitting and ruling in your own case”, and
(ii) By failing to recuse yourself in any matter or issue in Action 11216 of 1996

In your letter, “reasons”, dated 18 January 2010, (Exhibit 1) you have trapped, entrapped and locked yourself into committing Perjury and Fraud as is laid out below in respect of your reticence to deal properly and act in accordance with the law to the merits of the evidence put before you:

1. By your own admission, you clearly had before you documentary evidence pertinent to issues A & B as set out below and of previous. (Exhibit 2 & 3)

2. Your have trapped yourself by virtue of having had conflicting documents in front of you which as “The Court” placed you under a lawful duty to decide upon the conflicting matters and merits of them. The two sets of documents (A & B) comprise of A1 versus A2 & B1 versus B2. (Exhibit 2 - 5)

3. Rather than act as “The Court” as an impartial, fair and unbiased adjudicator and knowing that to do so you would unravel the considerable harm, injury and loss of my suffering – you, in your personal and private capacity (not acting as The Court ought to) unilaterally because of the implications upon the many other parties to the fraud, chose to steer matters down the wrong and unlawful route via your “No Merits” assertion.
[See below Ref: Trapped either way]

4. As “The Court”, your duty was to make a ruling on the validity of the time-locked documents in that A1 or A2 is false, and that B1 or B2 is fake.

5. Since the time (e.g. 2002) of the exposure of the fake forged document, the fraud and subsequent frauds perpetrated upon me should have lawfully unravelled – yet you chose to not address the issues before you, but rather to perpetuate the fraud. Thus you cannot absolve yourself at law from being an Aider and Abettor in the concealment of the fraud.

6. Needless to say as anyone of a supposed learned intellect ought to know, but
“Fraud unravels everything”

A & B – “Brief descriptions” of contradictory documents
Set A:
A1 (Exhibit 2 & 3)
Refers to the Bankruptcy Order, dated 22 July 1997, where G. Ebert

It Contradicts:

A2 (Exhibit 4)
The Order of The Court, dated 13 September 2001, which states that

Set B:

B1 (Exhibit 5)
Is the Order by Laddie J, dated 12th January 2000, which states as to whether
or not the assignment from Midland Bank Plc to Morris Wolff was valid.

It Contradicts:

B2 (Exhibit 6)
Which is the Court File Office Copy obtained on 7th January 2002 of the
Laddie J Order from 12th January 2000 – in which the name of Ralph Wolff
strangely appears instead of Morris Wolff.

The questions at law which have not therefore been addressed in acting in accordance with the law, are:
Q1: Which “Sealed Order” is the true one made by Laddie J?
Q2: Which of the two documents B1 or B2 is the true copy pronounced in Court?
Q3: Who has forged one of the two documents and interfered with the court file and
thus perverted the course of justice?

Set C: (Exhibit 7)

Letter from the Court Service, dated 2 January 2001, stating that the
Judgment Debt presented in the Petition, claiming on a Judgment Debt in
Action 1994-M-1568, are Meat and Livestock Commission and Deaconvale
Limited...Not Wolff -v- Ebert, as claimed in the Bankruptcy Petition.
This is clear and incontrovertible evidence that the claim presented in the
Bankruptcy Petition in Action 11216 of 1996, is a false claim.
That proves that the premise on which you made the (false) Order, as
stated in the reasons dated 18 January 2010, is false.

Set D: (Exhibit 8)

The statement in your letter “reasons” for making the (false) orders, based
on a Judgment Debt presented in the Bankruptcy Petition, claiming in
Action 1994-M-1568, can be located from the file in Action 11216
of 1996, has been affirmed to be false and perjurious.
In the letter of the Court Service, dated 2 February 2010, on a fishing
expedition directed by you on 18 January 2010, affirming that the Court
Service, despite double checking:
“Have been unable to locate the Judgment Debt in Action 1994-M-1568
presented in the Petition in Action 11216 of 1996”. (Exhibit 8)
I verily believe that on the date, 18 January 2010, you made the false
statement, with full knowledge to be untrue and that the judgment does not
exist in the file.

How, therefore, can “The Court” in the name of Mr. Justice Sales, lawfully justify its/his steer of “no merits”, stated in the reasons for making the (false) orders, when clearly the documents, which were attached as Exhibits to the Application in front of him on which the orders and reasons were given, are at odds with one another in respect of validity?

Trapped – either way:

7. If you had been acting in Accordance with The Law and as “The Court” by virtue of such, you must have been acting under your “Oath of Office”. Thus, you have by and on Oath, committed Perjury.

8. In the alternative, you have acted in a personal and private capacity such that you have trapped yourself acting in a private and personal capacity – and not as a judge, but as an interested party to concealing fraud. Ref.: Acting as an imposter – as a Judge.

9. The real issues before the court were not addressed. On the contrary, The Court has sought to “silence” my right to have the Bankruptcy annulled by “leapfrogging” unlawfully over the time-locked anomalies of the fraud to citing the tool used against many who have exposed fraud within the Judicial System, namely the shackle of a Section 42 Order.

10. The Criminal Act of the Forgery has been unravelled. The “vice of the occasion” demands redress for the deceits of the wrongdoers, and the undoing of the Section 42 Order.
Cited: Regina V. Sood

11. You have failed to provide the Section 42 Order, stated in the two Court Orders’ reasons, and false Court Order, as you are fully aware that you will commit a crime by using a forged Court Order contrary to Section 135, County Court Act 1984, and Section 3 of Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981.

12. As a result of the false Bankruptcy, there was never a valid Application in fact and law for a judgment that could be such a judgment pronounced in Court to justify the making and sealing of a vexatious Court Order, under Section 42.

13. You had further failed to comply with my request and demand, dated 27 January 2010,
to set aside (erase) the two unlawful, false Court Orders sealed by The Court on your instruction, acting in a private capacity, holding oneself out in a Judicial capacity, and I quote:

“I, Gedaljahu Ebert, DEMAND you SHALL forthwith inform the Court Service to erase the orders, dated 28 October 2009 and 18 November 2009. They were made on instruction of the dark forces in our society, namely: White Collar Criminal Organisations, dressed up in official capacity.

Failing to comply with my request will amount to aiding and abetting Criminal Activity by abuse of position and power.”

The above is Stated and Affirmed as My Truth because it is based upon the merits of the clear evidence which has been “laid before The Court”, and which, again, I enclose as exhibits.

1. That you SHALL SURRENDER yourself to the Police for full investigation for Criminal Activity, obtaining and making, by deception, a false instrument resulting in my ongoing kidnapping and fraud. The kidnapping pertains to the ongoing stress upon my and my family’s freedom and liberty.

2. Or, in the alternative, please inform the Police of my false allegation and criminal misrepresentation and defamation of one of Her Majesty’s Servants under Oath, in his Judicial Capacity.

3. Please inform the Court Service of your Criminal Conduct on which the Court Service and its many agents had made and sealed a false Court Order, contrary to Section 134 of The County Court Act 1984, so that the Court shall erase “set aside” the unlawful orders, which affected my ongoing liberty and freedom, amounting to ongoing kidnapping.

Please confirm, in writing, that you will comply with my demand and your duty towards me, the citizen.

I will produce this letter as evidence to whoever it may concern.


Please acknowledge safe receipt.

Yours sincerely,


Mr. G. Ebert

Enclosed: Exhibits 1 to 8 (please apply to this email address so they can be sent to you, as they could not be displayed in this format: discoveries@btinternet.com

Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3
Exhibit 4
Exhibit 5
Exhibit 6
Exhibit 7
Exhibit 8

REALITY CHECKS is indeed what they ALL need, including our unelected Prime Minister, Gorgon, and other criminals in government such as Jack man-o-straw and rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul Mandelsohn, they are all masters and inventors of the traditional PONZI scheme, otherwise termed the "Government pension". Mirroring their own minds, their subjects (the Public) are stripped bare and the Public coffers have been forced to empty their pockets into paying outrageous bonuses to bludgeoning banksters who we've all been relegated into "bailing out", in a mode of auto-pilot. YET now the Public have had enough and it is slowly dawning on us all that it is time for Government to bail US all out ! Their personal coffers, on the other hand, are stuffed full and overflowing with their avaricious stealth-gains, with 'grace and favour' perks all over the place including our Judges being wined and dined at the Old Bailey and being given 'grace and favour' apartments and the like.

The mis-governance of these financial Oligarchs has created nothing but DEVASTATION and MISERY for the masses: what else can empty-headed, war-motivated, money-hoovering criminals be expected to create other than more DEBT and collapsing businesses ? Debt is what they grow and cultivate, by supporting a hugely flawed debt-based Monetary System which is fleecing us all alive - like drowning in a boiling cauldron of deception and 'legalised filching' which hoovers up every asset in sight. 'Where there is no Vision, the People perish' - this is why we have all been left stranded, as those who we've given control to are, in fact, not up to the task and are out of control in their own minds and so a lack of Principle has dominated the landscape: but no longer are we prepared to be 'the silent majority'.

They pick on their easy-target victims, often zoning in on the most vulnerable members of our Society, parading as officials and do-gooders, when the opposite is mostly true. Engaging in the strangest type of 'gang warfares', these members of the Judicia and the many "Officers of the Court" dressed up as "solicitors" are for the most part, only driven by one thing: filthy filous $$$. The Courts are all in the pockets of the Big Banks, and vice versa. NOW IT IS ALL CRUMBLING AT THE SEAMS, AND FALLING APART AND THEY DON'T LIKE IT ONE BIT ! They are each other's 'oxygen', having been thriving like sycophants off each other, at the expense of the Public and the Public purse, all sanctioned by the EU which is rotten to the core. They are incapable of meting out or even understanding, "Justice" nor the true meaning of this word, as their snouts are so entrenched in their troughs. With our so-called "Minister of (in)justice", Jack man-o-straw, (whose real surname is "Warts", being far more apt in any event), it is plain to see that the old saying "the rot starts at the top" is beautifully illustrated here....this pathetic creature of a "man" has the brain of an amoeba and the skin of a radio-active rhinoceros, so thickened and impervious to common sense or fairness that there is only one place that he really belongs: in the sewer, down there with the underground rats, who have a palette to eat alive anything that is chewable. Having allowed our country to be dragged to its knees and pulled along in the dust and stench of their mis-governance, they continue to suck dry the resources of this country and stand by and watch the businesses fold by the thousand, each day, each week, each month, how much longer ?

[1] You can look at all the titles but re the Land Registry etc listen to the latest scams that are occuring - go to
Who stole my house?
MORE:programme information
(40 minutes)
Available since Tue, 31 Mar 2009.
Shari Vahl investigates the adequacy of safeguards to property rights in Britain

Here's the link to the BBC Radio 4 / Laurie Taylor documentary "Thinking Allowed", broadcast on 18th Nov 2009, which I genuinely believe is the best analysis I've ever heard of why the vast majority of white collar criminals get away with it - big time.


Hope you like it!

DANGERS OF BANKS: (apply to: discoveries@bitnternet.com) for the LINK

My colleagues and I hold incontrovertible evidence that these unworthy members of Parliament and the Judicata, will go to almost ANY lengths to extort money from people, no matter the cost to people's lives, in cold-blood, engaging in Corporate bullying, CARTEL BEHAVIOUR, embedded corruption being their 'operating method', engaging in foul play behind closed doors in the Courts, play-acting with barristers inside the court room with pre-determined outcomes on cases (cooked 'to order' with the Privy Council pulling the strings behind the scenes), also resorting to multiple forgeries of Court documents where deemed necessarily, as well as falsified documents, tampering with evidence, creating hoax 'evidence', and relying on non-existent "evidence" even when there is nothing to substantiate this reliance ! I HAVE CLEARCUT EVIDENCE OF ALL OF THE FOREGOING, with numerous cases from their mllions of victims, who are legion.

It makes the MP's Expenses Scandal fade into the background! They pick on their easy-target victims, often zoning in on the most vulnerable members of our Society, parading as officials and do-gooders, when the opposite is mostly true.

The Legal Services Commission, masquerading as "Legal Aid" (which usually only pays up readily for criminals and low-lifes in our Society), is one of the worst offenders - engaging in criminal practices like applying iniquitous legal charges on people's properties without the victim even realising it, to 'secure' their Legal Aid on their home ! Even the "Legal department" of "AGE CONCERN", posing as a Public Charity, turn out to be charging a shocking £350 per HOUR for lawyers to act on cases for old people who have been rooked by the corrupt and disgusting System that is in place that have stolen their homes and savings - aided and abetted by well-known firms like Irwin Mitchell who offer their "services" to our most vulnerable members of society - having no compunction in seeking to be paid in ONE HOUR what most pensioners receive in ONE MONTH. How so ? How come ? Why should this be allowed ?

See the link above for Mr Ebert's false 'Bankruptcy" case which he has been fighting in the High Court for 14 years - he was made "bankrupt" falsely and through a FORGERY of fake documents and false debts / debtors, and you can see the copied and pasted EVIDENCE there with your own eyes. Comments, please ? We welcome hearing from you all.....it's time for action and exposure of these goings-on. There are thousands of other cases just like Ebert's. The evidence on these cases is being collated now, as we speak. If you want to add your testimony to the many cases already 'coming out of the woodwork', please contact ONE VOICE action group on discoveries@btinternet.com and we can log your 'true story' in our growing volume "The forensics of Legal Fraud".




Here are extracts from Wikipedia about who is really running the Insolvency Service.

2. They show who is behind the draconian court procedures by which citizens are robbed of their properties operated by their employees, the Judges.

3. It is a ministerial department towards the top of the list of ministerial departments being second only to the Department for Communities and Local Government.

4. Ministers of the department are also shown below.

5. Members of the department have direct links to and some are members of the Cabinet.

6. Trustees in Bankruptcy are Government employees and officers of the Court working for the Government.

7. The Insolvency Service is a Government Department run for the benefit of Government and their employees who willingly and knowingly financially murder individuals and companies to enable them to devour their assets.

8. It was recently reported on radio 4 that in the last two years the Insolvency Service made £3 billion pounds from individuals and companies who were liquidated by Judges to enable Government to profit.

9. Like all servants, Judges, have to carry out the will of their masters, Government.

10. Government, short of cash after it gave £850 billion to support the crooked bankers, is seeking to obtain money from citizens by whatever means it can.
This includes ALL FORMS of False accounting, wire fraud, credit card extortion, internet scams, even scalping money from your bank account without you even noticing...

11. Bankruptcy is an enormous cash cow and Government is working through their employees, Judges, to milk it for all it is worth, by making Court orders to enable individuals and companies to be financially liquidated.

12. If, in this climate of economic disaster, the Government has to make a choice of either ensuring that citizens receive justice or Government make £3 billion pounds, which would Government choose? Justice for citizens? I do not think so!

13. Please read on. Also there are more details on Wikipedia of the inner workings of Government under Insolvency Service if you want to read about them. Enjoy!


John Deed


Insolvency Service

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Insolvency Service is an executive agency of the United Kingdom's Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (DBIS) which:

administers and investigates the affairs of bankrupts, of companies and partnerships wound up by the court, and establishes why they became insolvent;

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
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United Kingdom

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The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) is a ministerial department of the United Kingdom Government created on 6 June 2009 by the merger of the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) and the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR)[1].

1 Ministers for BIS
1.1 Shadow Secretaries
2 References
3 External links
[edit] Ministers for BIS
Ministers as of June 9, 2009 [2]
Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills - The Rt Hon. The Lord Mandelson PC[3] (also attends the cabinet)
Minister of State for Business, Innovation and Skills - The Rt Hon. Pat McFadden MP (also attends the cabinet)
Minister of State for Science and Innovation - The Rt Hon The Lord Drayson (also attends the cabinet - jointly with MOD)
Minister of State for Regional Economic Development and Co-ordination - The Rt Hon. Rosie Winterton MP (attends cabinet when responsibility is on the agenda - jointly with DCLG)
Minister of State for Higher Education and Intellectual Property - The Rt Hon. David Lammy MP
Minister of State for Trade, Investment and Small Business - The Rt Hon. The Lord Davies of Abersoch (jointly with FCO)
Minister of State for Further Education, Skills, Apprenticeships and Consumer Affairs - Kevin Brennan MP (jointly with DCSF)
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Digital Britain - The Rt Hon. Stephen Timms MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Business and Regulatory Reform - Ian Lucas MP
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Postal Affairs and Employment Relations - The Rt Hon. The Lord Young
The department is also home to The Rt Hon. The Lord Sugar, the Government's Enterprise Champion.
[edit] Shadow Secretaries
The Conservative Party's Shadow Secretary of State is Kenneth Clarke MP.[4] The Liberal Democrat spokesman is John Thurso MP.[5]
[edit] References
Departments of the United Kingdom Government
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Her Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom contains a number of Ministers and Secretaries of State. These members of the Cabinet are supported by civil servants in Ministerial Departments.[1]
United Kingdom

[edit] Types of Government Department
Ministerial Departments are led politically by a Government Minister, normally a member of the Cabinet and cover matters that require direct political oversight. For most Departments, the Government Minister in question is known as a Secretary of State and is a member of the Cabinet. He or she is generally supported by a team of junior Ministers. The administrative management of the Department is led by a seniorcivil servant known as a Permanent Secretary. Subordinate to these Ministerial Departments are executive agencies. An Executive Agency has a degree of autonomy to perform an operational function and report to one or more specific Government Departments, which will set the funding and strategic policy for the Agency. At 'arm's length' from a parent or sponsor Department there can be a number of non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs), known colloquially as QUANGOs.
Non-ministerial departments generally cover matters for which direct political oversight is judged unnecessary or inappropriate. They are headed by senior civil servants. Some fulfil a regulatory or inspection function, and their status is therefore intended to protect them from political interference. Some are headed by Permanent Secretaries or Second Permanent Secretaries.
[edit] List of Departments of the United Kingdom Government
[edit] Ministerial Departments
Attorney General's Office (AGO)
Cabinet Office (CO)
Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)
Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)
Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Department for International Development (DfID)
Department for Transport (DfT)
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Department of Health (DH)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
Government Equalities Office (GEO)
Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT)
Home Office (HO)
Ministry of Defence (MoD)
Ministry of Justice (MoJ)
Scotland Office (SO)
Wales Office (WO)
Northern Ireland Office (NIO)
Office of the Advocate General for Scotland
Office of the Leader of the House of Commons
Office of the Leader of the House of Lords[1]

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